Parking and overnight stay at the airport Bolonga.

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Your EASY PARK & FLY advantages at the airport

Guaranteed, secure parking space within sight of the airport

including 24 hour transfer from the car park to the airport, free of charge!

Free rebooking and cancellation up to 24 hours before arrival

Insured luggage on all transfers

This is how easy it is to book your parking space at the airport in Bolonga

Parking & staying overnight at the airport is so easy today: With EASY PARK & FLY you can find your parking space at the airport in Bolonga. Just book cheap online and enjoy the comforting feeling of having everything taken care of. Looking for an overnight stay at the airport? With EASY PARK & FLY, it’s just a few clicks away

Find a parking space at the airport now


Can I book an overnight stay and a parking space at the airport in Bolonga for the duration of my flight?

Yes, you can. Simply book your parking space and overnight stay at the airport online at EASY PARK & FLY. It’s convenient and secure

If I park at the airport in Bolonga, will I be taken to the terminal with my luggage and family?

Yes, the shuttle service will take you to the airport terminal with your luggage. After your return, the shuttle service will bring you back to your car, even if your flight is delayed.

I am traveling by car, can I park at Bolonga Airport?

Yes, you can. Simply book your ticket online via EASY PARK & FLY. This way you can be sure that a parking space is reserved for you at the airport.

If I park at Bolonga Airport, can I get to my car around the clock?

Yes, the transfer between the parking lot and the airport terminal operates 24/7. As long as aircraft are landing and taking off, the shuttle will take you from the parking lot to the terminal and back again. By the way, even if your arrival is delayed.

Park and stay overnight at Bologna Airport with easy park & fly

Are you looking for an inexpensive and convenient way to park your car at Bologna Airport? easy park & fly offers you the perfect solution! With our straightforward online booking system, you can reserve your parking space quickly and easily and start your journey worry-free.

easy park & fly offers you unbeatable prices for parking at Bologna Airport. We know that traveling can be expensive, and that’s why we offer you affordable parking options without compromising on quality and safety.

Our website is user-friendly and allows you to book quickly and easily. Simply enter your travel details, select the parking space you want and confirm your booking in just a few clicks.

Your car is in safe hands with us. All parking spaces are monitored and offer the highest security standards, so you can enjoy your trip with peace of mind.

easy park & fly not only offers parking spaces, but also comfortable overnight accommodation near Bologna Airport. So you can start your vacation rested and relaxed.

With easy park & fly, you can cancel your booking flexibly without having to worry about high fees. Enter your travel dates, select the desired parking space and complete your booking conveniently online.

With easy park & fly, parking and staying overnight at Bologna Airport is child’s play. Use our simple online booking process to find affordable and secure parking options.

Start your journey relaxed and worry-free – book your parking space with easy park & fly now!

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